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Executives of service based companies have, for years, been dreaming about the smooth and seamless co-rodination of thier suppliers and workforce. Ensuring Service engineers are at the right place at the right time providing top quality service and support to customers and increasing productivity - but getting more output from the same investment in capital and labor. Increasing gross revenue is only half the battle.

Unless organizations simultaneously control or reduce service costs and minimize your utilization of assets, your efforts may produce lower profits and deminished.

Servicedart has come up with a list of ways to reduce service costs and increase ROI.


Top 10 Ways To Reduce Costs and Improve ROI

Customer and Contact Management For Higher success rates. One strategy to reduce costs costs is to "spend less to get more," that is, to invest in professional, consistent prospect feedback that will improve both the volume and capture of future opportunities. By understanding the reactions and judgments of customers and thier needs for service offerings delivery can be streamlines through recalibrated marketing themes, enhanced product offerings and more effectively trained field personnel.

Increasing profitability by increasing customer loyalty. Research has shown that 80% of sales are made to 20% of customers, and these 20% often generate more than 80% of profits. 30-50% of sales costs and customer service costs are wasted in efforts to acquire, develop, and keep these very customers. And customer loyalty is related to how satisfied these customers are.

Activity Management. To reduce its service management costs, companies must minimize the time that service proffesionals spend on route to or between Service calls. Ensuring Scheduling/ Dispatches are fast and accurate with Alerts and reminders for service personnel. Service reps are burdened with many activities throughout the day and have no way to schedule simple "to-dos", delegate actions, or manage complex tasks. To ensure productivity and efficiency, organizations must ensure that service professionals do not spend costly time on coordinating routine tasks and activities, minimizing the tiem period between service calls.

Optimize your service process. Today's business environment demands an optimized service force. Often the critical point of contact between you and your customers, the service force plays a critical role in facilitating awareness of your products, people and capability.

Efficient, cost effective billing an accounting. During mid 1990s, many companies invested heavily in developing sophisticated in-house accounting systems, but many still maintain the traditional paper based system. This can be time consuming and costly to translate customer infomation from this paper system to billing. Back office processes in many cases have drastically reduced or totally eliminated their need for manual entry in an effort to cut the high fixed costs.

Reducing Cycle Time. Task automation, optimizing the work processes and eliminating unnecessary activities.

Training. Well-trained staff are vital to the future of your company. Training presents an overall process for successful service and provides practical guidelines on how to plan, start and close all aspects of the service cycle, as well as the skills needed to succeed at each stage.

Service force Automation. With Service Force Automation organizations can grow revenue more quickly, predictably, and profitably by helping service professionals focus on the right job at the right time.

Reduce cost-of-sales. Increasing gross revenue is only half the battle. Become more proficient at selecting which business opportunities to pursue to maximize margins and to become more efficient and effective in bringing business to closure so that the cost of making each service is reduced. Managing the average cost-of-sale should be a major objective for every service organization.

Improve profit margins. The equation is really quite simple . . .

Revenue - costs = margin   Margin - expenses = profit

Factors in improving profit margins:

1. Increase gross revenue.
2. Reduce cost-of-sales.
3. Better utilize human capital and other assets.

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